Category Archives: Newborns

Baby Boy “L”

This sweet boy knows what he likes; he likes to be cuddled close. I always tell parents that I let the baby tell me how the session should go. Some babies like to be naked, some don’t; some don’t mind hats, others can not tolerate them; some love to be swaddled tightly, others like their...

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Baby Boy “N”

What is cool about my job? Getting to see little tiny babies like this sweet girl… Grow up into a beautiful little person… Baby girl “S” is now a big sister and sharing her “Time Out” chair willingly 😀 Thank you so much “S” family for allowing me to capture your beautiful family during these...

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Baby Boy “V”

I am loving all the babies and it seems the boys are out numbering the girls this year. This sweet boy was such a good sleeper and his family was so great. The love that radiated from these parents for their baby boy was so obvious and so beautiful. They have truly been blessed! Family...

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Baby Girl

This sweet girl loved to be awake and check out the world around her. She was so good and so sweet and did give me some sweet sleeping photos. She is also a very lucky girl to have such a great big sister and big brother!

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Baby Boy “B”

I am so so so sorry that I have been MIA for a while. It was a very busy fall and then with the holidays I decided to take a little time to spend focused on my family. My daughter just had surgery to remove some cysts from her forehead and jaw, but I am...

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